I’ve been a dog owner and an animal lover my whole life and have recently started adding pet photography to my business. If you’re in the Sarnia area and would like to have some professional portraits made of your furry friend please drop me a line.
My friend’s dog Champ dropped by for a studio portrait.
While we were photographing Champ we got a great head-on shot and a great profile. When we saw the pictures side-by-side we immediately thought of a mug shot, so I got to work in photoshop and was really happy with the results.
My neighbour’s Schnauzer Lexi.
Getting ready to hit the trails for a dog sledding trip.
Two beautiful sled dogs taking a well deserved rest.
My beloved black lab Sierra when she was just a tiny puppy.
On the beach after a swimming lesson.
A few years older and quite a bit bigger.
I was doing some test shot of Sierra when someone knocked on the door. I saw her ears going back and was able to fire off a few quick shots to capture this triptych of her reaction. I thought it looked nice in black and white.
I like the triptych above, but this is more of the look I was going for and it definitely captures Sierra’s easy going disposition much better.
She loved hunting for rocks in Lake Huron.
One of our last trips to the beach before our final farewell a few months later. 😥